Earlier this month, an email about scarves landed in my inbox. I must say that earlier in the month, any email that landed in my inbox was met with a scowl, a huff and an eye roll. You see, going away for a month in the Summer, even if on a working holiday, makes for quite a feral inbox in September. The kind that eats all the cake and climbs up the wall before taking away your wife and kid, leaving you only with the echo of its grunting haunting you for months. So there I was, staring at emails, reading them with a slightly disenchanted gaze when the image above popped up.
Being the really cool person I am, the first thing that came to mind was that story about the guy who tried to smuggle birds by taping them to his pants. You read this right: someone thought it would be a great idea to take 16 birds (not 17, it is primordial to only take 16) and then tape them to his pants. Not sure if this is a new fetish or animal lover gone bonkers, but it sure takes dedication. And a whole dose of crazy. I am also sure the birds weren’t as comfortable as the ones in the Blazon lookbook either.
But back to scarves, shall we? Blazon scarves are made in the UK, with prints designed by the awesome Natasha Coverdale, former student from Brighton U with a decade spent as a creative graphic designer. Her prints are colourful and geometric and the whole collection looks absolutely fantastic. I am now the proud owner of her Kevlord scarf, which is possibly one of the softest and nicest scarves I have. Note that I have many scarves, most of them silky and luxurious. So I don’t say this lightly. At £95 a pop, they aren’t the cheapest accessory on the block, but they also aren’t the most expensive and they are most definitely everyday statement pieces. See also: good gift idea for an upcoming birthday/christmas/anniversary, feel free to nudge your lover fairly violently in Blazon’s direction, or simply to this post for a slightly subtler approach.
Traduction – Des foulards a imprimés géométriques et colorés par la marque Blazon, créée par Natasha Coverdale.