The week(end) on Instagram

I had big plans for today’s post, I actually took my new camera out with me at the weekend and chronicled my adventures at the zoo… As it turns out,  the Universe had other plans for me as when I tried to upload the photos to my laptop this morning, they had all disappeared. Did I dream about my weekend or did I fall victim to a glitch in the Matrix? Nobody will ever know. 
In the meantime, I can show you some snippets of the weekend that I took with my phone, thank the Lord almighty for obsessive use of Instagram. Sadly, it means you will never see the photo I took of a degu sleeping.
Enjoy while I sit there, looking as dejected as a rusty old panda.
Traduction: J’avais prévu de partager avec vous des photos de mon weekend, car j’ai passé mon après-midi au zoo, mais l’Univers avait d’autres projets pour moi car quand j’ai essayé de télécharger mes photos ce matin, elles n’existaient pas. Ce weekend était peut-être un rêve… 

Tandis que je me lamente comme un vieux panda tout rouillé, voici quelques images prises avec mon téléphone. 

ps – yes I totally went there and bought some 90210 stickers on eBay.