Interwebz? I Has It.

For those of you who already follow me on Facebook, you will have noticed I started posting stuff on there that doesn’t make it on the blog. I receive so much information everyday, and very little actually ends up turning into posts as I prefer to keep the blog more personal and less news-y. But it feels like a shame not to share some of the info I receive as some of it may be of interest to you, whether it is a picture of a cute dress, a newly released bag or just some event with cool people. If you aren’t already, I invite you to follow me on Facebook to get all that and more! I am always on there if you have any questions as well.
I am of course also on Twitter where I mostly write updates about stupid stuff (don’t we all?). It isn’t so much about Fashion, more about everyday life. Thank God for that. I don’t tweet all the time, so I won’t take over your feed with the contents of my breakfast, lunch and dinner. I tweet stupid, but I tweet selectively stupid. 
I recently joined Instagram and you can find me on there under the – very original – “MelleRobot” user name. I post mainly photos of cats and dogs and sometimes pretty things I come across. 
Finally, there is always good old Tumblr. I have been a bit slack with it recently because of Instagram, but if you are not on Instagram, I often post my photos on Tumblr as well. I use this account mainly as a mood board. It is a way for me to keep track of internet things I like.
For the crazy fans of Babe Time, I know there are at least 3 of them out there (Bunny I am looking at you), you can follow us on tumblr (for photos of babes), twitter (for tweets about babes & life), Facebook (for not much right now) and of course on MixCloud where we recently relocated.

Speaking of Babe Time, Loulou & I are off to Los Angeles tomorrow so the next episode of Babe Time will be on Friday, recorded live from Palm Springs!

Follow me – twitterbloglovinrsstumblrMCM blog.