Well well well… Lookit who’s here. Little old me, and plenty of shoes. So many shoes I could almost pull a Carrie Bradshaw and start getting all lyrical. It would go something like this: “… and as I sat there on the balcony of this beautiful house in the South of France, I couldn’t help but wonder: can monogamy be a true lifestyle choice when it comes to SHOES?“.
I tell you what – when shoes are concerned, anything goes. My brand spanking new pair of Opening Ceremony shoes? Dreamy DSquared2 Glitterball sandals? Swedish Hasbeens by the truckload? Tick, tick and tick. My collection of shoes is expanding fast, but I want more. I keep seeing them everywhere, taunting me. I am not even that much of a shoe person. You see, nothing really excites me clothing wise at the moment, but I keep seeing dreamy shoes EVERYWHERE. And I have to have them. It is difficult. I feel the all-consuming greed. I don’t even want to tell you how many pairs of shoes are on my wish list right now. Thankfully, the Vivienne Westwood numbers below won’t be out till later in the year, so I can start saving up. I want them all. The Gold Label sequinned high-heeled slippers and glitter boots, the Red Label leopard print loafers and brogues (HAVE YOU SEEN THE BOWS ON THOSE LOAFERS???), the Anglomania boots and tartan shoes – I need them all in my life.
I promise I haven’t gone totally mental, I am just on holiday with a serious case of shoeitis.