California style by Rhiannon Leifheit aka Liebe Marlene

Rhiannon Leifheit aka Liebe Marlene is a Fashion Blogger & Vintage seller based in Atlanta. She has been one of my favourite bloggers for a long while and I am really pleased to have her write a guest post here for you!

Rhiannon – Photos by Drew
Silk blouse and shorts: thrift stores
Floral crown: made (badly) by me
Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens
Bag: vintage John Romain from Ebay
When Laetitia asked me to do a guest post for her while she was off on her California trip I jumped at the chance, but I think I was most excited because I was maybe going to be in California at the same time she was going, and if I had a top five list of bloggers I’d like to meet in person she’d definitely be on it.  I’ve been a big fan of her blog for a couple years now.  Her style is tops and inspirational.  If we met in person I’d probably pick her brain about London fashion and Paris fashion and what it’s like to go to real-life fashion shows and big London blogger meet-ups.  But mostly I think we’d just talk and joke around (she seems like the joking sort), and then we’d probably gush over David Bowie and Jarvis Cocker, because they are wonderful.
Well, my California trip didn’t work out.  At least not yet.  So while Laetitia’s over on the west coast I’m going to do my best take on a Mademoiselle Robot-goes-to-California sort of outfit, complete with Swedish Hasbeens and a little floral crown I made that was probably inspired by Laetitia’s LouLou Loves You flower headbands.  I think that what I love best about Laetitia’s style is how she mixes menswear elements with pretty and romantic ones.  I’m especially in love with this outfit and jumped at the chance to ape it, only it’s just too hot in Atlanta for trousers and jackets, and instead of looking girly-tough my outfit just looked girly.  Oh well.  I’m just going to pretend that I was going for a ’20s Hollywood silent film sprite look.  Because really when I think of California and the places I want to visit it’s all silent film stuff–I want to see the Silent Movie Theatre in LA and old ’20s mansions in the Hollywood hills and maybe most of all Hearst Castle so I can see all the pools and scenes of a thousand Marion Davies wild parties.  There’s a chance we might get to California later in the summer, but for now I think I’m just going to live vicariously through Laetitia’s west coast travel posts.