Lipsy does Christopher Kane (Lipsy SS2010)

There are some press days I attend eagerly and some I go to a little reluctantly. Generally, I make it a personal rule to only go to events I think are in keeping with my editorial line (read: my tastes). When I received the invitation to go and see Lipsy‘s SS10 collection, I wasn’t exactly thrilled out of my socks at the prospect. The usual style of the Lipsy girl is so far from what I like, I almost passed on the invite, but I had to meet someone there so I went anyway.
Probably a wise decision, since it would appear Lipsy is branching out ever so slightly this season and opening up their usual demographics to something more fashion led and less “sexy lady in a club”. Of course, their usual slinky strapless numbers are still there, but that’s to be expected, why shoot the money maker?
This time though, there is a whole world outside of party wear: boudoir inspired pieces in soft hues, Christopher Kane lookalikes (not the man, the dresses), cute broderie Anglaise and more.
From what I have seen around, I think Lipsy is actually the first brand to try and emulate the wonderful Christopher Kane SS10 collection. I don’t always approve of that type of practice (see Boohoo/Matalan and Luella copies), but in this case, it really is more of an inspiration and Christopher Kane is still trading, so we can choose to get our hands on the real deal if we wish/can afford it.
Over all, my opinion of Lipsy hasn’t changed after seeing the collection but there are definitely a few pieces (the ones seen above) that I wouldn’t mind adding to my wardrobe. The lace shorts for example have their place on my shelf already.