I am back and had a lovely Christmas. I hope you did too. It was so good to be off for a few days… It made me eager to get back to the blog and I feel more inspired than ever which is great news to start 2010. I thought I would start by showing you what I wore on Christmas Eve. In my family, we normally have our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve, and then mooch around on Christmas day, mainly hanging out and having a good time. Since I have met Justin, however, we tend to spend Christmas with his family so we celebrate it on Christmas day with a big lunch where everyone opens their presents etc. This is all very new for me! To keep up with my own traditions though, I still like to have dinner on Christmas Eve, but with my “adopted” family: my friends. So on Thursday night Mr Robot and Dr Handsome came over for dinner and fun times with us. Mila opened some of her presents, we had a simple-but-nice dinner and we talked about stupid things.
I wore my vintage blouse from Strawberry Koi vintage, a vintage skirt from Clever Nettle and shoes from Modcloth (with shoe clips from Urban Outfitters, hello two pairs of shoes in one). It is a very simple outfit, but I found it suitably festive! Last winter, I was all over sequins for my birthday, but this year I didn’t feel like looking like a disco ball so I chose simplicity.
I was really spoiled this year, I got an all-in-one printer (desperately needed one), iTunes store vouchers so I can catch up on music and films–yes!, cute bits and pieces and I saved the best for last… the Luella coat I had been coveting since September. It is the one below, but no doubt it will soon make an appearance on me on here soon! I have been on a crazy Luella collecting spree this year, I must admit and I won’t say enough how sad I am that this brand is no more.
What did you do for Christmas? What are your traditions? What did Santa give you?
If you have a bit of time, please check my facebook page and leave a comment on the wall to let me know what you would like to see more of on this blog in the new year… I am opening the suggestion box :). I have just redesigned the header too, tell me what you think!