Gilmore Girls vs. Everwood

Yesterday I was suffering terrible withdrawal symptoms from the Gilmore Girls. So I made it my mission to find a show possessing similar appeal. I finally chose Everwood. Let me explain by comparing the two shows.

– small American town (GG-E)
– family that clashes with town (GG-E)
– single parent (GG-E)
– bright teenage kid (GG-E)
– amusing secondary characters (GG-E)
– old school family show (E)
– pop references (GG)
– diner scenes (GG-E)
– strange restaurant serving anything from italian food to mexican (GG-E)
– annoying recurring town authority character (GG-E)
Everwood is cheesier than the GG, and lacks pop references, but the rest is all there, and who knows, maybe the pop references will come in the newer seasons?
In the meantime, you will find me staring at the Colorado mountains and enjoying my new found life in a snow globe.
For my next holidays, I am going to Stars Hollow and Everwood, and you?


1 Comment

  1. February 8, 2008 / 11:36 PM

    Personnellement je ne veux pas entendre parler de la possibilité d’une vie après Gilmore Girls. Je ne me remets déjà pas du départ de Jess, alors…